Dharma, Tech, Design, Culture, IKS etc.

Indic Media Lab:
Unleash Cultural Innovation

Exploring New Horizons in Culture and Innovation. Your Journey into the World of Indic Insight Begins Here.


Why Indic Media Lab (IML)?

Dharma-Driven Innovation

Fusing ageless Dharma principles with modern tech to forge innovative solutions.

Design and Culture Synergy

Harmonizing contemporary design with rich Indic culture to craft transformative experiences.

Timely Tech Transcendence

Delivering tech solutions on time, enriched with Indian Knowledge Systems

Sri Aurobindo Indic Media Lab

The utmost mission of Mind is to train our obscure consciousness which has emerged out of the dark prison of Matter, to enlighten its blind instincts, random intuitions, vague perceptions till it shall become capable of this greater light and this higher ascension. Mind is a passage, not a culmination.

Sri Aurobindo @ The Life Divine

Innovative Cultural Solutions

Who we are

We are an interdisciplinary lab committed to synthesizing Indic frameworks with modern design and technology to tackle contemporary global challenges. Our focus on culture, design, tech, and Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) drives us to curate innovative approaches that foster transformative experiences.

Explore Our Domains:

Cultural Innovation

Design Thinking

Tech Synthesis

Narrative Crafting

Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS)

Interdisciplinary Research

Community Engagement

Global Dialogue

Indic Media Lab theme photo


Dharma +


Culture +



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